Our mission

Sustainability = Future-proofing. For us as a candy manufacturer, our mission is the only logical path to a sustainable future. We are happy to explain why we have embarked on this path.

Will you join us on our journey?

The world around us changes. Think of major issues such as obesity, wasted resources, a huge plastic landfill and increasing criticism of the use of animal products. But despite how much the world around us changes, people still love sweets.

That is why we see it as our responsibility to make sweets that make everyone - regardless of habits, background or beliefs - happy. This applies to consumers, our customers, our employees and, last but not least, our planet.

Een eerlijk én lekker product, hoe gaan we dat doen?

Snoepen is leuk. Eten en delen maakt mensen blij!
Maar niet iedereen kan er van genieten, door restricties gerelateerd aan religie, gewoonten en allergieën.
Daarbij is het eten van veel snoep niet gezond. En het proces is schadelijk voor mens, dier en planeet.

De keuze die CCI zich stelt is

CCI wil sweets for all maken en daarom is dit onze nieuwe missie:

Made to smile,
share & care

Een aangepaste koers

Om dit waar te maken en om goed voorbereid te zijn op de toekomst kiezen we voor een aangepaste koers. Dat kunnen wij, omdat we koploper zijn op het gebied van;

  • vegan
  • sugar free
  • specialties

Sustainable Development Goals

The universal language for making more impact as a business are the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 17 goals to make the world a better place. Summarised as an end to extreme poverty, inequality, injustice and climate change.

The world of confectionery also requires us to take responsibility. In our adjusted course, we have taken 3 SDGs as a starting point for concrete objectives in our business operations.

Our focus points

Our goals for 2026

Our goal is clear. We want to be proud leaders in innovation and sustainable growth in our industry. How? By consistently excelling in the four themes below.

People first

We see it as our duty to create conditions that ensure that our employees remain productive, motivated, safe and healthy on an ongoing basis. After all, our employees are worth their weight in gold. This is why we measure their satisfaction annually, to make sure we are doing well or can improve something. In our hiring policy, we do not exclude anyone and strive for an inclusive workforce.


In our business, we always strive for valuable growth, both for our company and for our stakeholders. After all, that is the basis for continuity of our business, and therefore also the basis for continuity of our employees. And naturally, successful customers also like to sell successful products. Call it a win-win situation.

Sweets for All

Made to care. This means, among other things, that our products will be 100% vegan, kosher and halal certified by 2026. Furthermore, it means that our supply chain excels in terms of transparency, social responsibility and sustainability. By making sweets and liquorice, we want to contribute to a nicer world.

Lowering our footprint

It is important to treat our planet with care when producing our sweets. Therefore, we should not burden the planet. In order to do so, we will further reduce our footprint by lowering energy consumption, increase circular production and reducing waste streams - and that is just the beginning.

Will you join us?

Are you interested in a new collaboration? Or do you have ideas that contribute to our mission. Let us know!

Contact us